Creating Employee Appreciation Programs in Large Companies
In today’s competitive business environment developing a committed workforce is challenging. Simply recruiting great employees is no longer enough, you have to keep them on your team to sustain a competitive advantage. Showing employees your appreciation is the key to retaining top talent. The task may seem daunting at first, but there are some simple steps to start an effective appreciation program.
Earn Buy-in Early
The excitement employees feel when they start a new job doesn’t have to fade. It won’t if they are engaged and appreciated. When employees don’t feel a connection they can start to feel like a number. Each has unique ambitions and goals, so you have to connect with them to understand their motivations. That might seem time-consuming in a larger environment but you can make strides by engaging employees in company discussions.
You’ll gain buy-in by allowing employees to contribute their opinions. Ad-hoc committees can focus on single events like planning a company celebration. Standing committees may review broader issues like the company’s insurance plans. These committees can become forums of engagement. By encouraging employees to be a part of the dialogue they’ll feel more connected and invested in the company’s mission. You’ll gain a better understanding of how your employee appreciation efforts are being received.
Create Lasting Bonds
A sense of purpose and shared destiny can be a powerful motivator, so you should always seek opportunities to create connections. The holidays are an easy time to show your appreciation to employees and their families. Company picnics and year-end holiday parties are tried and true, but you can create other fun initiatives to promote and maintain the spirit year-round.
The blank walls in your corridors are valuable real estate. They can be a canvas to display your commitment. For example, seasonal holidays present an opportunity to engage employees. A rotating display of their children’s artwork can promote those shared bonds. Contests with modest prizes can generate more participation. These efforts can become a great reinforcer of your culture.
Sharing the joy of new babies is always a win. Collect new baby photos from your employees and share a collage or simple slide show at year-end. This helps celebrate the healthy growth of your employee’s family and the company.
Showcase the talent
Look for opportunities to highlight the successes of your employees. Seek hidden talents within your ranks to showcase at company events. If someone sings or plays guitar, invite them to perform before a meeting. If you employ budding artists, create an informal art gallery and display their projects. Make flyers to promote these events. Shared memories help create traditions and enhance company culture, so take photos on every occasion.
Seek Feedback
Walk the hallways and ask questions. After events or the launch of a new initiative, ask your employees how they feel and what they think. Engage your managers as well to ensure they feel motivated too. You’ll be amazed at the excellent feedback and new ideas your outreach will generate.
Assembly is a peer to peer employee recognition platform where coworkers can easily recognize each other with meaningful messages and rewards and companies can manage culture spend with a positive and justifiable ROI. Assembly has a 95% employee engagement and can be easily integrated with Slack. Grow and sustain your culture with Assembly. For more detail please visit Assembly.
About the Authour, Charles Gillis
Charles Gillis is a business leader with more than twenty-five years of experience in business
management and law firm administration. Prior to launching his Dallas-based firm Northside Human Strategies, he held leadership positions at statewide, national, and international law firms. He is a frequent speaker and contributor to numerous business publications. His articles have appeared in Canadian Lawyer, the American Bar Association's Student Lawyer Magazine, and numerous other legal industry publications. He is the author of the book The Seven Year Trap; Back Office Observations of the Business of Law & the Path to Partnership.
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